ADIHEX attracts broad participation of painters, artists

The Abu Dhabi International Hunting and Equestrian Exhibition (ADIHEX) has attracted painters, artists, photographers, calligraphers and sculptors as well as art galleries from inside and outside the UAE.
They have presented their creativity with high craftsmanship that expresses various artistic schools, including realistic, abstract and modern ones. Their topics revolve around the desert and marine environment, authentic heritage, hunting and its matters, concerns, and various others.
Emirates Falconers’ Club is organising the 19th edition of ADIHEX from 26th September to 2nd October, 2022. The official sponsors are the Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi, International Fund for Houbara Conservation, and Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, where the event is being held.
The conditions for participating in the “Painting and Photography” section of the “Arts and Crafts” sector, are primarily that all artworks of participants should reflect the theme of ADIHEX, “Sustainability and heritage a reborn aspiration”.
Participating artworks must also highlight the cultural message of ADIHEX and art and raise awareness about the significance of protecting the environment, preserving species and conserving cultural heritage. ADIHEX welcomes the artists to actively participate in its features and events by presenting seminars, workshops, and any other activity or initiative they wish to present.
All artworks are subject to prior approval from the Organising Committee before they are displayed inside the participating artists’ stands. Furthermore, the Qualifying Committee for sorting out the participating artworks has the right to reject any work that is not consistent with the nature and objectives of the event. In addition, the ADIHEX has the right to print the participating artworks in any publications issued by it, and to promote them in such a manner it deems appropriate.
All artists must provide an overview of their biography and art history, and a brief introduction about each work (title, size, used raw material, price and year of production). The art galleries displaying works of several artists are also required to write each artist’s name on his/her own work, with a brief introduction for each painting. Moreover, the price of each artwork displayed for sale must be clearly inside the pavilion.
The last date for accepting the applications from the artists would be 31st August, 2022. The artists must send copies of their artworks (whether paintings, photographs, models or sculptures) to the exhibition management before 24th August, 2022, by email (, even if the artworks are not yet complete. After that, the Qualifying Committee will contact the artists regarding the approved artworks for participation, at the latest by 7th September, 2022.